Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Here is a Frog

Image result for frog clipart
1st Graders just finished up learning a new fingerplay called "Here is a Frog."  Fingerplays are songs or rhymes with motions.  The motions help students learn about the form of a song and also teach students how to speak or sing the song with expression appropriate to the words.

Students were very expressive when reciting this rhyme.  Ask your child to recite it for you with the motions.

Here is a frog 

And here is a pond.
A frog in a pond am I.
I can jump so far
I can jump so high
Hippety, hippety, hop.
I sit on a lily pad high and dry
Watching the fishes swimming by
How I make the water fly.
Hippety, hippety, hop.

Hear Mrs. Larson's class recite this rhyme below:

Did your child use their "Ask Me" sheet to share this rhyme with you?  Use this form to tell Miss Dagenais that your child is sharing their music at home.