Welcome to the Leicester Elementary School Music page. I will use this blog to share curriculum updates, activities, and upcoming events.
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Thursday, March 9, 2017
1st Graders are singing a new echo song called Tongo. This song is a Polynesian canoe song used to help the people in a canoe paddle all together. As we practice this echo song, students line up in imaginary canoes and paddle along with the beat of a hand drum. Once students are comfortable singing this song as a group, they echo all by themselves. I am so proud of our 1st graders because they are very consistently using a tuneful singing voice at this point in the year. Tongo, (Tongo,) Chimney bye bye oh, (Chimney bye by oh,) Tongo, (Tongo,) Oom ba de kim bye oh, (Oom ba de kim bye oh,) Ooh alay, (Ooh alay,) Mahle kaah lo way. (Mahle kaah lo way.) Hear Mrs. Larson's class sing this song with Miss Dagenais along with the steady beat of the hand drum.