Tuesday, October 18, 2016

No More Pie

Preschoolers and Kindergarteners start off almost every class with an echo song.  I sing first, and then the children echo the words and tune I just sang.

"These songs are significant in the development of children's musical skills because they provide an opportunity to sing a short phrase alone.  Echo Songs invite the child to repeat the same tune and words.  Echo songs are easier [than Call-and-Response Songs] because children only have to remember one pattern and sing it back."  - Dr. John M. Feierabend in First Steps in Music

Students' first echo song has been "No More Pie".  See the lyrics below and ask your child to sing it for you.

Oh my,
No more pie.
Pie's too sweet,
I want a piece of meat.
Meat's too red,
I want a piece of bread.
Bread's too brown,
I want to go to town.
Town's too far,
I think I'll take a car.
Car won't go,
I stubbed my toe.
Toe gives me pain,
I think I'll take the train.
Oh my,
No more pie.

This song is especially fun, because children can come up with more rhyming verses and the song can go on and on.

Hear Miss Randell's kindergarten class perform this song with Miss Dagenais below: