Monday, October 16, 2017

Frog in the Meadow

Image result for frog clipart
As part of our First Steps in Music curriculum, preschoolers and kindergarteners have learned the simple song "Frog in the Meadow."  A simple song is a song that students learn through a whole song approach - listening to the song sung to them several times until it is internalized and they can sing it by themselves.

First, students listened while the song was sung to them.  Following the words of the song, students used a "stick" (their finger) to stir the meadow grass around to find the frog.  They got to choose different parts of their body to look for the frog in until he popped out of the tall grass.

After several weeks of only listening to the song, students were given the opportunity to sing the song as a group, accompanied by Miss Dagenais on the frog guiro.  This helped to build independence, as students sang without help from the teacher.
Image result for frog guiro
After some practice singing the song as a group came the ultimate test of their singing independence: students sang the song solo for the class while playing the frog guiro.  All of our brave kindergarteners and preschoolers have sung the song solo for their class!

Ask your child to sing the song for you.  The lyrics are below:

Frog in the meadow

Can't get him out.
Take a little stick and 
Stir him about.

Hear Mrs. Barlow's kindergarten sing this song in the video below:

Did your child sing this song to you from their "Ask Me" sheet?  Share with Miss Dagenais that your child is singing at home through this quick form!