Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Pease Porridge Hot

3rd Graders are singing Pease Porridge Hot.  First, we learned the song in unison (all singing together).  Students discovered some silent beats in the song that had no words.  To hold their place, we make silly sounds that go along with the lyrics.  Then, we practiced humming the song instead and then thinking the song.  Thinking the song while still making the placeholder sounds helped us practice inner hearing.

Hear Mrs. Burks 3rd Grade class sing the song in unison below.

Once we were comfortable singing the song in unison, students sang the song as a round (one group starts and then another group starts later to create harmony).  This was difficult for us, but as the first round we have sung, students did a great job!

Listen below to hear Mrs. Lowkes's class perform this song as a round.