Friday, March 17, 2017

Monster Improvisations

3rd Graders have been learning a new pitch - la.  After singing songs using so, mi, and la and writing with those pitches, students were ready to create their own so, mi, la songs through improvisation.

Before they could start singing, students needed something to sing about.  They created monsters by choosing random body parts from a bag.  The more mismatched the pieces, the funnier the monster!  Then, they made them their own by coloring them.

When they were done creating their monsters, they echoed several patterns of so, mi, and la as examples.  Students could arrange the pitches in any order, but the important part of improvisation is that it happens in the moment.  The were excited to see that they could create songs about their monsters without thinking too hard about which pitches they needed to sing.  Students sang to their partner and to Miss Dagenais.

Some brave volunteers sang for the class so we could share our work with you.  Hear them below.