Monday, February 6, 2017

Charlie Over the Ocean

1st Graders have been enjoying a new echo song called Charlie Over the Ocean.  We sing echo songs at the beginning of every class to help students practice singing tunefully.  This is a special echo song because there is a game that goes with it.

To play the game, one student walks around the circle.  At the end of the song, they tap the student who is nearest to them.  Then, the student who is "it" and the student who got tapped need to skip around the circle to race back to the empty spot.  Students have liked being able to echo and play at the same time.

Have your child share this song with you.  Maybe you can echo them!

Charlie over the ocean (Charlie over the ocean)
Charlie over the sea (Charlie over the sea)
Charlie caught a big fish (Charlie caught a big fish)
Can't catch me. (Can't catch me.)

Hear Mrs. Bayer's 1st Grade class sing this song with Miss Dagenais in the video below.