Monday, February 5, 2018

Johnny Had One Friend

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"Johnny Had One Friend" is a simple song.  Preschoolers and kindergartners spent several weeks just listening to this song and counting the friends with their fingers.  After several weeks of only listening, the whole class sang the song together.  After all that careful listening, they knew it very well!  In the coming weeks, students will be singing this song solo, really building their vocal independence.

The words to the song are:

Johnny had one friend,
One friend, one friend.
Johnny had one friend,
Johnny had two.

Johnny had two friends,
Two friends, two friends.
Johnny had two friends,
Johnny had three.

Johnny had three friends,
Three friends, three friends...

We usually sing this song up to five friends so we are counting with just one hand, but as a special challenge, we add a second hand and sing all the way up to ten friends!

Listen to Ms. Jewell's kindergarten class sing this song in the video below:

Did you child sing this song for you from their "Ask Me" sheet?  Let Miss Dagenais know by filling out this quick form.