Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Grandma's Glasses

Preschoolers and Kindergarteners have learned a new fingerplay called Grandma's Glasses.  Fingerplays help teach children to sing or speak in rhythm and teach about the form of a song or chant.

Grandma's Glasses is a silly chant because grandma has very small glasses and a very small hat...


And grandpa has very big glasses and a very big hat!


Have your child recite this chant for you with the appropriate motions.

These are grandma's glasses,
And this is grandma's hat,
And this is the way she folds her hands
And puts them in her lap.

These are grandpa's glasses,
And this is grandpa's hat,
And this is the way he folds his arms
Just like that.

Here Miss Randell's kindergarten class recite this poem below: